I recently went to Jersey City, New Jersey for a few days. Staying at the Holiday Inn by the waterfront was a fantastic experience. It was right by the river so I could spend my time walking along the banks and taking in the scenery. New York City’s skyline loomed spectacularly on the other side of the river and looked beautiful in the evenings when the lights came on.
I love Indian food and there is an excellent Indian Restaurant, ‘Raaz’, right across from the Holiday Inn. The proprietor was very friendly and helpful, and the restaurant even provides boxed lunches that I could take while sight-seeing. There were many other fine restaurants close by, so I was able to sample various cuisines during my stay.
The hotel was right by local train line, so going to New York City was a snap. With such convenient and cost effective travel I wish I had been able to spend a few more days in Jersey City. I did enjoy several things such as the King Tut exhibit that I had been wanting to see for a very long time but somehow was never able to. I was also able to enjoy Times Square and shopping on 5th Avenue.
I enjoyed my trip and since I had not been in the area for over 5 years I found it refreshing.
– Neeraj